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If you're looking for this designer handbag and don't want to fall for a knockoff, here is a guide on how to tell if that statement purse is a genuine Chanel bag or an impressive imitation! It's worth it to take a closer look to make sure you're not wasting your money on a fake bag. The feel is textured and much sturdier compared to the lambskin. If the lining has creases, wrinkles, bubbles, or bumps - in short, it's not perfectly smooth and tight - then you've been duped. However, if you bought a brand new Chanel bag and the quilt is not consistent, then you've got an imitation.CC Lock Busted or faded gold or silver chains are bad news. If it keeps falling over, then your doubts are valid. There are so many good fake Chanel bags in the market, and many of them look great and authentic. The errors can even be minor, but it's a major tell-tale sign that it's nothing like the genuine, high-class, incredibly expensive and luxurious Chanel purse that is revered around the world. faux saint laurent bag

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