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    Gaming apps are often endorsed by sporting heroes in India, where cricket is a national passion, but concerns have mounted over possible addiction and financial losses among the gamers. The sector has been growing at an annual compounded rate of 28 percent to 30 percent and has also drawn international investors. Industry executives said they may have to pass on the additional costs to their customers by raising the prices of games. This higher tax burden will impact companies' cash flows," said Aaditya Shah, chief operating officer at the gaming app IndiaPlays. Roland Landers, CEO of The All India Gaming Federation, said the decision was "unconstitutional [and] irrational". 2 million rupees ($14,565). Until now, the companies paid a small tax on the fees they charged for offering real money games. The change announced on Tuesday will impose a 28 percent tax on the entire amount collected from players in every game. designer bags cyber monday

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