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Are Aliexpress Reviews Real? How to identify fake Reviews on Aliexpress I personally don't trust these reviews unless I have a good read of them and try and find out if the person is genuinely sharing his/her experience or is just trying to upsell the product for you to go ahead and make a purchase. That is the reason why every time I make a purchase from Aliexpress I do not rely on the reviews but I always make sure that I take extra caution especially when I am buying expensive items. For example, when you are on the product page you will find similar products from different sellers as suggestions by Aliexpress by just clicking on them you can go through their reviews and compare them with the product you have in interest and see if any of them are the same reviews. You will be surprised how many sellers copy reviews, this is one way of figuring out the fakes from the lot. 4 Five star review with images When you have a doubt about a particular review and you notice that most of the reviews on that particular product are similar and you're not able to figure out what is the truth about the product. An easy way of figuring out if it's true is by checking the question and answer section where you will find the most frequently asked truths about the product so you can be assured that you are not the only one with the concern and other people also to want to know if the product is worth buying or not. When a seller has confidence in the product he is selling he wouldn't mind having a return policy or a money-back guarantee because he knows the product quality is your money's worth. So when you see any product with a money-back guarantee or a good return policy the chances are that all the reviews that have been written are genuine as the seller would rather provide a return policy and save his customer than flood his product page with fake reviews. You can check the real review numbers of the seller by going to the seller's feedback page, which will give you a clear summary of the seller on all the positive feedback that he's had for the past six months and for how long he has been a seller within Aliexpress to give you the confidence of knowing that you are dealing with a genuine seller. Under this will find the detailed seller rating which basically will show you the items that are described on the site is the same as the product. If the communication with the seller is prompt and immediate and if the shipping speed of the product is as per what the seller commits. Beneath that, you will find the feedback history for the past six months of all the products that the seller has sold. With all this information I am sure you will come to an understanding of who is the right seller for you and which reviews to trust. designer bags cyber monday

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