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The bag, which is named after its owner, is believed to be worth £1,600. It has since been put back in the bag and returned to the owner, who has since been arrested. Police are investigating the incident after a woman in her 30s told them she was attacked by a man with a knife at the supermarket. Police in Kent are investigating the incident at the shop, after a woman was stabbed in her right hand, and the woman told the owner of the store she was attacked by a man who was wearing a mask and a jacket with the words "it's a gang rape" written on it. A statement from police said the man was arrested after officers received a call at about 6pm. The incident was reported to the Met Office in London. Police in Essex have not yet made a decision. A statement from the Met Office said: 'The incident is being investigated by police. designer bags cyber monday

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    About a month ago, I went viral on TikTok, and not small potatoes viral. We're talking 500k likes viral. We're talking strangers finding my Instagram account and DMing me to start a parasocial relationship viral. In seven days, I watched my follower count go from around 700 people to nearly 5,300, which is a lot for a socially anxious INFP who typically sticks to Twitter. In short, it was incredible. It also gave me daymares for weeks and I wanted to throw my phone into a landfill. Virality on TikTok is tide-like. In my case, my little Jane Eyre joke got thousands of likes and interactions the first few days, quieted for about a week, then got thousands of likes and interactions again. That cycle repeated for a month. Trends like the Gangnam Style trend (where the music shifts so your story can shift with it) work particularly well for growing a following on TikTok, because you can drop a crazy or interesting teaser that makes people curious. Insatiable for more details, they'll follow you and engage with your videos so they can see any follow ups you might post. In this way, leveraging trends to tease a good story is a pretty surefire way to reach people. It was for me, and it wasn't even my story I was telling (sorry, Charlotte). Anecdotally, I see this particular trend working really well for creatives, specifically writers trying to tease upcoming projects or published work. In journalism, when you're covering a topic that's been covered a lot, the best way to make your story stand out and stay relevant is to look for unique angles to approach it from. A story about a new diner opening up in the city, for example, might instead focus on the fact that 100 years ago, an old asylum used to sit in the exact same spot and is it possible for century-old ghosts to enjoy hamburgers question mark. Now, that's an angle. I don't have too many super spicy life stories-my life history is remarkably similar to a saltine cracker-so I didn't think I had anything to offer to the Gangnam Style true story trend from my own life, but my gears started turning when I realized it'd make a great literary joke format for a book with a crazy plot twist. Enter: Jane Eyre. The Jane Eyre fans in my mentions were my absolute favorite, because like me, they really enjoyed the book and were happy to see someone talking about something they love that doesn't get a lot of attention. In that way, there was a little slice of community there. designer bags cyber mondaybest gucci bag replica

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